I love Bounty bars. For those who've never encountered one it's like an Almond Joy without the almonds. Now before anyone says it, that is not a Mounds bar. A Mounds has dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate and totally changes the flavor. A Bounty stays with milk chocolate and might be the best food ever made.
At some point in a moment of stupidity, I mentioned to Rob that I could eat an entire case (24 pairs) of Bounty bars in a day. Stupidly, a coworker named Chris said he could as well. And from this, a competition formed. Since we both thought we could eat our way though it was a test to see who was fastest.
After numerous delays, we finally set off to eating and it turns out that it's way way way too much to eat in a single day. I managed to make it up to 24 single Bounties, exactly half of my goal while Chris beat me with 28. Suffice to say that we both realized that discretion was the better part of valor and didn't try to go the whole way. As part of losing the competition I got to wear a special shirt for a day. Let no one say that I don't pay off on my bets.
During our eating we took to doing some calculations about what we were consuming. Turns out that even if I'd eaten my entire goal my total sodium intake would have been half of my daily allowance. So if you've got blood pressure problems, Bounties are your food. We also noticed that if we'd hit the goal we would have consumed 13,000% of our daily allowance in calories. So by only eating half, I managed to only consume 1 weeks of calories that day instead of two. :)
So, what foods have you consumed in stupidly large quantities?
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