During the same week as my trip to Cork, I also traveled Budapest, Hungary for work. (4 passport stamps in one week, eat that Jill!) The trip itself was a bit intense to say the least.
On Friday morning, I woke up at 4am to catch a car with my coworker Paul to Heathrow. Our plane left at 07.50 and was nicely on time. I guess that early in the morning, Heathrow hasn't had a chance to become a mess yet. After touchdown we waited a bit for another co-worker and took a cab into the city for a meeting with a parter. After the meeting we had a couple of hours to kill before a group dinner.
I had planned on taking a nap during that break, but thankfully Paul convinced me to go out and do some sightseeing with him. It was amazing in Budapest. We walked up and down the Danube riverfront totaling about 13km. Since we walked up one side and down the other, we technically saw both Buda and Pest. It took us a couple of hours, but we got to see the sun set over the mountains which was worth it. I can now see why Jill says it's one of her favorite cities. To see my (small) photoset check here.
Unfortunately after dinner and a bit of drinking, Paul and I had to call it a night. We got up the next morning at 4am to catch the flight home! I believe that when we worked it out we spent less than 18 hours actually in Hungary. I can't wait for Jill to get over here so we can go back and spend some quality time in the city.
The one good thing about this flight home was that we landed at Gatwick at exactly the same time as my parents did. They were coming in from the US to spend 10 days traveling around the south of the UK with me. Hopefully this post encourages my parents to put up their pictures so I can blog about it.
So what other Eastern European cities do I need to see?
Personal experience tells me that Prague should be on your must-see list, and then other people tell me Krakow (not Warsaw especially) is good, Bratislava too, which is only a couple of hours from Vienna, and Rob will tell you whether Belgrade is worth a visit. Then if you want to go further afield, I hear that Riga and St Petersburg are both nice. Is that enough to be going on with?
Love your photoset of 1 picture... u crack me up!
Budapest, Hungary? Is that like Paris, France and London, England?
Belgrade is worth it. I heard that Riga is nice *if* you like dressing up like a pimp, loose women and tangling with the mafia...
Dressing up like a pimp?! I'm all over that!
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